Saturday, April 16, 2011

So you want to be a blogger ...

I did!

Well ... truth be told, no so much a blogger, per se, but ... yeah. I started the stupid blog.  I came out of the starting blocks strong and then ... what?  Collapsed after 5 yards? Yikes! 20 years of smoking will do that to a girl, I guess. Hey! As of this post I am 1 year and 2 months smoke-free so, you there, with the pretty pink lungs - put down your torch and pitch fork! It's a metaphor! A literary tool! I've kicked the habit, really!

The point is, I wanted to write - if for no other reason than for my own sanity. And I wanted to share - if for no other reason than for my own (and maybe your) amusement. So, we'll ... what? Call the year and half between the last post and this one a hiatus? Yeah. That's what it was. But, at least it won't be difficult to catch up, right?

So, let's do just that, shall we?

Let's see ... I'm still working on the a fore mentioned short story. It was becoming a novel in my mind, and then was condensed back down to a short story. ... aaand then a novel again, as I got lost in the importance and sheer magnitude (not to mention brilliance, did I say brilliance?) of the story I just HAD to tell.  

Are you rolling your eyes at me yet, 'cause I sure am! What is it about the creative mind that makes it tend to take itself waaaaay too seriously? I mean, come on!

The end result has been a lot of me spinning my wheels, doing yet MORE research, solidifying characters in notes, and doing very little solid writing.  tsk tsk

The really good news is that for the past year, I've given myself over to the pursuit of my other great love: music. Preparing myself for, and then joining up with the praise and worship team at church has stretched me in so many good ways. Having the honor of sharing the stage with some wonderfully talented musicians has been great! In the past, I'd have been happy to (and did frequently) describe myself as a performer, not a musician. Now I have a burning desire to learn about this medium that I love so much.  I'm learning to read music notation, I'm picking up a new instrument - actually 2 once I get the piano moved to the house - and delving into music theory while I'm at it. Good stuff, right?? I really have no grand agenda in this pursuit, other than to just do something worthwhile with my "free" time.Well, there's that along with the need to feel useful on the weeks that I get to help lead worship. It's a bit intimidating being surrounded by such talent, and it's a lot easier to just give myself over to worship if I feel like I'm making a contribution.

Add to that a healthy dose of my full time job (the one for which I get paid in US currency), along with my other full time job and actual vocation (the one for which I get paid in hugs, kisses and general warm fuzzies-as well as dirty dishes and laundry and ...), and I barely have time to think, let alone breathe, or write! But I'm still eking out way too much time for the television, somehow. Go figure.

In a move of Pattonesque strategic brilliance (there's that word again), I've combated the idiot box by moving my office up to the loft, so that I can have peace and quiet - away from prying eyes - to get into whatever shenanigans I see fit. If I want to plunk around awkwardly on my bass, I can. If I want to read, I can do so in silence. If I feel the need to practice my French pronunciation without explaining to everyone in the house WHY I'm learning a different language, I can do that too! By the way, for no reason other than I wanted to see if I could, alright?? ... just in case you're curious too.

OR! If, instead, I want to do none of the above in favor of banging this bit of drivel out of my keyboard in the small hours of the morning, well, you get the picture. Here I am. ... and I'll most likely be back sooner rather than later.  It's cheaper than therapy.

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