Saturday, October 31, 2009

A bit of an introduction ...

If you're here, it's because you either know me, or have known some long since past iteration of the me who has grown into what I am today.  Either way, welcome to my little corner of the ether.  I was inspired to take my writing out of the notebooks I keep hidden away, and put it out on the "interwebs" by my long lost brother (from anotha mutha), who's blog link you can find to the right (no pressure, Rick).  Anyway, that's the 'how'.  On to the 'why' ...

I have been told by more than one person that I am very tough to get close to.  I don't mean that in the romantic sense, because my physical self has never been as closely guarded as has been my real essence: my feelings, my insight, my id.  I am mostly inclined to keep my own council with regard to things that are of import, and there are very few with whom I can say I share any more but the most superficial details about what I think, how I feel, or how I view this world.  So, the unfortunate truth is that to say you "know" me is to say you know one of the many "me-masks" that I put on for your benefit.  Maybe I'm no different than anyone else in this respect, but I digress. If you've ever found yourself wondering what's really going on behind these hazel eyes, then you may find what you're looking for here.

I'm going to pause and say that this is a mostly selfish venture on my part.  While I am posting this blog on the internet, and am leaving it open for anyone and everyone who happens upon it to comment as they wish, I'm mostly doing this for me - not so much for you, the reader.  Writers have to write, after all ... it's what we do.  This is part of my cobweb clearing process. I have, up to this point, kept my observations and rantings neatly tucked away in my notebooks, thereby keeping the hapless outside world safe from me (and vice versa?).  Bearing that in mind, I don't know that I'll have any more of an audience with my stuff out in the open than I do with it closeted away ~ but in case a few of you decide to strap in and ride along with me, I suppose I should lay down some facts that will help to shed some light on my paradigm.

I am, in regard to my political views, a conservative (not Republican, but conservative - there is a difference). I am also a Christian (non-denominational, if it matters or you're curious).  These are two facts about me that you already know, if you're more than a casual acquaintance, because I do not and will not ever hide, deny, or make excuses for them. That being said, however, I do not particularly feel I have been called to be an evangelist, and only feel called to be an apologist when asked why I believe what I do.  So there you go.  I do not proselytize, which is an affront to some who share my faith - but at the same time, I will never hesitate to "give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope that lies within" me.

The other great love that defines my world-view is that which I bear for the "Arts".  I read voraciously, and have what can only be described as eclectic musical tastes. It would seem to some that these other things which I appreciate are "too worldly," and are set in direct opposition to the first two aspects of my nature which I've just described.  I have an avid appreciation for human expression, and a deep respect for anyone who writes or performs anything that makes me feel.  While I appreciate the beauty of art which glorifies the Creator, what I am usually drawn to is more visceral (a song about unrequited emotion, a movie about hardship, a play depicting loss ... opera!).  Give me emotion, give me feeling!  Express your reaction to the human condition! These are things that strike accord with me. As a rule, the sires of these progeny do not share my conservative Christian views. And, conversely, other Christians might view these things that I openly profess to love as damaging to my Testimony.

So, here I am, the apparent walking contradiction.  A tale of two Sammies ... it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...  If you hold me up on any sort of a pedestal, don't be surprised when I knock myself right off of it. I'm removing the filter that usually rests between my brain and my fingers, so if you continue to read, you do so at the risk of really getting to know me.  Scared yet?  I am!

So, without further ado, welcome to the parlor which is situated between my ears.  Make yourself comfortable, taking care to mind the sharp corners - Oh! and watch out for the carnivorous dust bunnies ...


  1. A very nice piece of prose, good cliffhanger, very lucid and personal/universal. All the things I like in autobiographical writing actually, so I'm hooked. We're into the same kind music, we knew that, but are you into sculpture?

  2. I can appreciate sculpture, but am by no means a connoisseur. Same goes for painting. I know what I like ... and I know what I think looks like uninspired paint globs on a canvas. Like I said, I can appreciate it, but I don't have a passion for it like I do for music and the written word.
